Registration | Partner Day | 27. & June 28 | Schloss Reinhartshausen

MAXXYS Broadcom Logo

Venue: Schloss Reinhartshausen in the Rheingau
Date: 27. & June 28, 2024
Accommodation: A contingent of hotel rooms has been reserved (€ 119.00 per night).

Preliminary agenda

Thursday, June 27, 2024 from 6:00 p.m.

  • Arrival and meeting at Reinhartshausen Castle
  • Joint wine tasting and roulette
  • Dinner together

Friday, June 28, 2024 from 9:30 a.m. until probably 3 p.m.

  • Welcome by the CEO of MAXXYS AG, Bernhard Bock
  • Welcome by the Managing Director of the GBC Group, Pascal Bechtel
  • Welcome by Broadcom, Sven Schuhmacher
  • Partner program of MAXXYS AG and Broadcom
  • Possible presentations on our main topics:
    • Automic
    • NetOps / AppNeta
    • Clarity PPM
    • Infrastructure management / DX OI
    • API gateway
    • and more …

Register now

Contact us.

MAXXYS AG Anne Henssel

Contact us. We will be happy to advise you.

Anne Henssel, Business Development Manager, MAXXYS AG


+49 6441 21004 0
