Determine the monitoring maturity level in your IT landscape

Benefits of holistic IT monitoring

Are disconnections, runtime errors or supposed system failures part of everyday life in your IT operations?
In our e-book, we show you how to integrate a solution approach with NetOps Observability that gives you complete transparency of your IT landscape with the help of a central monitoring platform.

Download the full version of our e-book now

Broadcom NetOps Observability takes your company's IT monitoring maturity to the next level

The e-book…

  • uses four practical use cases to show you the daily challenges of IT operations in a hybrid cloud environment.
  • offers the opportunity to interactively check the maturity level of your IT monitoring.
  • explains the advantages of centralized hybrid cloud monitoring as part of IT operations.
  • describes a holistic approach to integrating a monitoring platform into your hybrid cloud environment.
  • helps you to implement and optimize NetOps Observability.


Find out, …

  • the level of maturity of IT monitoring in your company.
  • how you can gain complete transparency of network connections in cloud, on-premise, remote systems and SaaS.
  • how a centralized monitoring platform can help you take your IT operations to the next level of transformation
  • how to use Broadcom’s DX NetOps and AppNeta to integrate a monitoring solution that allows you to monitor all systems in your IT landscape.

E-Book Vorschau

Das erwartet Sie in unserem E-Book

E-Book IT-Monitoring Hybrid Cloud Network Monitoring

Daily challenges in IT operations

Disconnections in the online meeting

End users' mobile devices establish a connection to meeting platforms in the public cloud.

Delayed data collection

A reliable connection is required for prompt data synchronization between two cloud systems.

Delayed print jobs

The printers on site in the office connect to the central printer management software (on-premise or cloud).

Runtime error in the application

Runtime errors regularly occur in a SaaS application.

Check the maturity level of your IT monitoring

1 / 6

Are clear processes for rectification defined and implemented for each type of alarm or notification (semi-automated if necessary)?

2 / 6

Do you have a clearly defined SLA for the operation of hybrid cloud systems and do you continuously monitor compliance with the SLA?

3 / 6

Do you monitor the availability and performance of your SaaS applications?

4 / 6

Is the monitoring of your IT environment carried out proactively in real time or is the recorded data evaluated retrospectively at regular intervals?

5 / 6

Do you use a central platform for monitoring your hybrid cloud environment and network connections?

6 / 6

Can you monitor, understand and analyze error situations from the end user's perspective?

Your score is


E-Book IT-Monitoring Hybrid Cloud Network Monitoring

Digital transformation through NetOps observability

Benefits of hybrid cloud monitoring in IT operations

Cost optimization

IT security

Business Continuity Management

Why our e-book?

End-to-end view

As an experienced IT consulting company and long-standing Broadcom partner, we support our customers in the end-to-end integration of innovative IT infrastructure solutions to make IT monitoring and IT operations more efficient and optimized.

In our e-book, we would like to share our many years of project experience and present you with a solution approach on how to gain complete visibility of your IT landscape and integrate NetOps Observability with the help of AppNeta.

Any questions?

Questions and answers about the e-book

Yes, the e-book is free of charge. You will receive the complete e-book after you have sent the form and confirmed your e-mail address.

The digital transformation is leading to dynamic changes in an IT landscape. In our e-book, we describe a solution approach for maintaining an overview of all systems, even across the complexity of a hybrid cloud.

Yes, you are also welcome to forward the e-book to colleagues.

Download the full version of our e-book now

Vollständige Transparenz für Ihre Hybrid Cloud IT-Landschaft

Vorteile eines ganzheitlichen IT-Monitorings

Contact us. We will be happy to advise you.


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35510 Butzbach


+49 6441 21004 0
